They're in! The promised signs from MTA were installed last week. Each end of the center median is adorned with one of these yellow diamonds. I trust these will save the lives of the growing agaves and succulents that are being nursed along. I am so happy. The trick was to contact my district 8 supervisor's office, and ask for their help with MTA. Literally the next day, Bam- they're in. Raised reflectors and raising the walk sign at the Malta median were also part of the deal. Maybe one more email...
Behind the yellow sign in this second image, you can see the Agave vilmoriniana really making a show. Actually, had this plant been in the ground longer, this stalk would be much larger- we will see how big this one will get. I am counting on lots of bulbils.....
(Bulbils are tiny plants that form on the inflorescence of certain agaves.)
The poppies are bursting....
Very cool! Wow John - you have done amazing things with that strip of neglected land: you should be very proud of yourself!