from Jillian, Peter and a few stragglers from the last donation from Fanny. Thank you kindly. Because of the generosity of these lovely folks, the project is getting better looking by the day. The Cotyledons are from Jillian, who was giving away tons of these very healthy succulent cuttings. I had so many, I kept some for myself and shared some with a neighbor to brighten up her side yard. The cacti are from Peter, who also was giving away lots of cuttings and was so complimentary of this project, he was able to bring them to me! That is a wonderful thing. While looking over the plants today, I see evidence all over that Spring has sprung. The Sparaxis are in flower, the poppies are sprouting up all over and the Graptoveria ‘Fred Ives' that came from the south bay are growing with a vengeance! I hope so because it would be lovely to have this planted all over O'Shaughnessy Green!
See below.

Look at this Euphorbia lambii (right) in full flower too!
When I went up to the median at Malta, I was amazed. Back on November 27th (see images in post with that date below) I planted some CA natives. They have quadrupled in size! They are Lupinus arboreus(right)and Lupinus nanus (center). There is also a very noticeable growth rate for the Sedum spathulifolium.(left)

Lastly, I had to give pause. I know from transplanting a very large (4 person job) Agave weberi into my yard and in two years it flowered. I learned that when an agave thinks it is dying or stressed and potentially dying, it will flower, making seeds, in order to survive. Here is this large, but not huge Agave vilmoriniana, or octopus agave, and it is flowering. I know it has stress as you can see the tips of the leaves are dry, but it also was growing to this size in a one gallon pot. So it was stressed and now it will flower prematurely, in my opinion, and because it is monocarpic, that's it - dead by a year from now.
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