Today Mike Godsy from DPW was tasked with dropping of some fill soil for the project. He promptly brought 4, 2CU FT bags of this mix- Soil & Stone. Very good potting soil. Lots of sand, lava pebbles and loam. I had asked for a 1/2 cubic yard- not really knowing how much I would need and didn't want to be saddled with too much soil to move if it was way too much. Being raised on a farm, you'd think I could have guessed much better. I could actually use three times this, but I am not going to push my limits.
I called Mike back, explained that I underestimated and he will be able to bring 2 more bags. Thanks Mike!!
Below are the before and after examples of what I am filling in. I planted lots of Senecio mandraliscae, Crassula muscosa and Oscularia deltoides to root in and hold the new soil. All this is done in preparation for winter rains when all the run off tries to create this gully again. Preventative measures at work. I hope I am right on this one- so much soil eroded away over the winter...

Also, here is an update on the Agave vilmoriniana. I suspect that it may have reached full height by now- all things considered that is. Look at the double picture below. The red line in the picture on the right marks my height of 5'8". Really, it is at that height- yes I know it looks wrong- too low, but it is correct. So if that is 5'8", I am putting the flower stalk at 11'. Remember, this is not all that impressive. This agave grown to maturity under normal circumstances can have a flower stalk much larger than this. One in Palo Alto at the Stanford Arizona Cactus garden is a good 25 to 30' right now- go see- it is up into the Oak tree. Because this particular specimen was stressed it shot this flower stalk out as a last-ditch effort, thinking it was going to die. It is the best it could do. Still, a lovely show I think.

Also, here is an update on the Agave vilmoriniana. I suspect that it may have reached full height by now- all things considered that is. Look at the double picture below. The red line in the picture on the right marks my height of 5'8". Really, it is at that height- yes I know it looks wrong- too low, but it is correct. So if that is 5'8", I am putting the flower stalk at 11'. Remember, this is not all that impressive. This agave grown to maturity under normal circumstances can have a flower stalk much larger than this. One in Palo Alto at the Stanford Arizona Cactus garden is a good 25 to 30' right now- go see- it is up into the Oak tree. Because this particular specimen was stressed it shot this flower stalk out as a last-ditch effort, thinking it was going to die. It is the best it could do. Still, a lovely show I think.