Due to the generosity of Fanny, and the keen watchful eye of Annie, I was able to score these fantastic HUGE plants to reclaim the median! They are Furcraea bedinghausii. Fanny was giving away 3 plants that her crew had already removed and were waiting to be picked up when I arrived. Wow, they were larger than I expected, and very healthy.
I barely could get them on the truck even with her help. Channing was called in to assist in unloading them and he was a great help to me as usual. Now the median is beautiful again and as these beauties relax, they will really look stunning! Thanks Fanny for providing such great plants. Oh, the front plant in the picture below is an Agave vilmoriniana (octopus agave) that came from Marsha a while back. (so did the others that were plowed down) I was saving this one because it was the largest, and lucky for it I did, as it survived. I hope these will be all right for a long time to come. Steer clear people!! S L O W D O W N, please !
All in all, I am very excited to have the median looking good again.
One experience that helps this restored excitement was a passer by that shared his frustration with the past moths damage and asked if there were plans to add any means of preventative nature, like more reflectors. I explained that I am lobbying for this and a sign, he told me he would go home and send the city an email. Cool. I am thinking something like.....
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