Tuesday, January 24, 2012


I just returned from meeting with Julia, with San Francisco Parks Alliance (SFPA) and Sandy, Assistant Superintendent with DPW. They are now seeing the situation first hand, collected some of their own photographs and will now get in contact to set up a meeting with DPT (Department of Parking and Traffic). They are the ones who have say over anything that would be added as a preventative: more reflectors, two big trees, a mound of soil or even extending the median bed to round the corner. All these are ideas and the last one being a big-ol-pipe dream. Sandy says why not have those! I will report the next phase.

Monday, January 16, 2012


On Friday 1/13, a vehicle plowed through the center median. It did so much damage, that I am not sure how to move forward. I am working with the Parks Alliance to see if DPT will add some way to make this median more visible before I replace the plantings. For now, here is how it looks.